Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen – My Glemor Store
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen
  • Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen

Original Teeth Whitening & Stain Removing Gel Pen

Rs.1,450 Rs.2,099 SAVE 0%
🔥 4.8 | 1,079 Reviews | 13.7k Sold🔥
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Unlike traditional methods, our teeth whitening pen offers quick results without harsh chemicals that can cause sensitivity and tooth erosion. You don't have to go through hours of treatment sessions or expensive dental procedures; Our Whitening Pen does it all in just few applications.


  • Measured at 5" that you can easily toss in your pocket or bag, or simply whiten teeth at home.
  • Effectively and quickly removes stains of tea, coffee and cigarette accumulated for years while keeping your mouth fresh.
  • Within just 1 week you will be able to whiten your teeth up to 4 to 8 shades whiter.
  • Features a durable twist mechanism with a soft brush tip that gently be applied on each tooth and its crevices for a complete whitening experience.

How to use?

Package included: 1pc x Teeth Whitening Pen 


Remove years of stains in a week with a gel 100% made up of 4 ingredients:  hydrogen peroxide, alcohol solvent, copolymer & purified water.


Reviews 01:

Common Questions about The Product:

Q1. What time we can use this pen?
Ans. You can use it anytime in the day.

Q2. Can I share my pen with my friend or partner?
Ans. It is not allowed to share the pen with someone else, for hygiene and health purposes. 

Q3. Where should I store my pen?
Ans. You should keep it safe in dry and cool place.

Q4. In how many days it gives results?

Ans. It gives you surprising results by using only 6 days (two times a day).

Q5. How often can it be used?
Ans. The pen contains 20+ uses and with consecutive use, teeth can become 4-8 shades whiter.

Q6. How long does the results last?
Ans. It's results last for 20 days but it also depends on how much you consume tea, coffee, cigarette and other dark food items. However, its better after getting results, use it periodically.

Q7. Do the teeth become yellow again after quitting it?
Ans. It depends on how much care you are putting on your teeth, moreover, you can add it to your oral care routine.

Q8. Does it have any side effect?
Ans. No, it has no any side effect. 

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